Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Friendships Vs. Relationships

Boy meets girl, boy and girl start a relationship, boy has best friend who is a girl, girl friend becomes uncomfortable with friendship between boy and his female friend, female friend misses boy as she hardly spends time with him now he has a girlfriend......
Making a relationship work is hard to do in this day and age but it’s even more difficult to do when friends begin to wonder if they have been cast aside due to a new love interest in their associate’s life. In a relationship it can become difficult to strike the right balance between your partner and your friends of the opposite sex. Both friend and partner want to spend time with you but as you are tied to somebody and want to make your relationship work you can unwillingly neglect your friend even though you have known them longer than you have known your current partner. Both partner and friend can become disillusioned with how they are being treated, your partner can believe your spending too much time with your friend and your friend will wonder if you too are spending enough time together due to your new love interest.
When starting a new chapter in life you can inadvertently overlook your friendship you previously had as effort and time is need to prosper with your other half. It doesn’t mean you don’t treasure your friendship or your feelings change, it is just circumstances that have changed. If a relationship is fresh you need things to run smoothly and make the person you are seeing feel as comfortable as possible. How weird would it be if every time you went anywhere as a couple, that friend would be present as well?
As we get older our outlook on life along with our relationships adjust to new situations. It could be with your parents, friends or partners it’s just a part of life, some would call it evolution. While before you hooked up with your new partner you and your friend could chill and relax together by yourselves at each other’s houses that could now been deemed inappropriate even though your friendship is strictly platonic. Things like spending hours on the phone or going to watch a film together can make things seriously complicated if you’re in a serious relationship with somebody, friends need to be understanding.
Just because you don’t spend as much time as you once did with your friend it doesn’t mean you have forgotten them, its just a case of making slight adjustments to your lives and making time for them. A friend may feel that things don’t need to change at all but until they find themselves in the same situation they might not comprehend why things are moving in a different direction. The question is how do you  handle a situation like this without upsetting anyone?
You never forget your real friends regardless of what status you hold, they will always have a place in your heart.